Loving Hearts Christian Adoption Agency
We offer the following types of domestic adoption:
- Semi-open
We facilitate:
- Domestic
- Kinship/Relative
We humbly embrace the unique and incredible honor of walking a birthmom, birthfather and their families through the journey of adoption. Counseling and support groups are available to connect those who are currently going through, or who have been through, an adoption.
For those who choose adoption for their baby, we have a created the opportunity for weekly counseling, a birthparents support group, and a support system that stays with them for a lifetime for whenever they may need it. From the beginning of the decision, to the years that follow, it is our desire to create an environment that fosters a loving, close, semi-open adoption scenario for each birthmother as she travels through what is often one of the most difficult decisions of her lifetime. In addition, we offer ministry to birthfathers and other family members impacted by the decision for adoption. We have both individual counseling, mentoring and support groups that meet the individual need of each person involved.
Our adoptive families are intensely screened and are strong, Christian couples who have an established marriage on a strong foundation. We are convicted that they be actively involved in a lifetime of ministry to the birthparents, as they raise the child as their own. They keep the birth families up to date with letters, pictures, dvd's and other creative forms of communication.
We are strong believers that God has brought these families together for a reason. Our ministry of adoption, Loving Hearts does everything we can on our side to ensure that the relationship will continue to grow and blossom as each member of the adoption are comfortable.
Loving Hearts Christian Adoption Agency
P.O. Box 202995
Austin, Texas
Email: LovingHeartsAdoption@yahoo.com
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