Lifetree Adoption Agency
We offer the following types of domestic adoption:
- Open
- Semi-open
We facilitate:
- Domestic
LIFETREE Adoption Agency is a Christian adoption agency licensed by the State of Texas since 2003. LIFETREE provides free, confidential, and no-pressure services to equip expectant parents with the knowledge of Adoption and to empower them to determine the right Parenting Plan for themselves and for the child. LIFETREE allows the expectant parent to choose the parents for their child, to meet the chosen parents, and to have a relationship with both the chosen parents and child before and after placement.
LIFETREE works with Adoptive Families that will honor the Birth Family before, during, and after placement and who will meet the child's needs spiritually, emotionally, and physically over a lifetime.
Lifetree Adoption Agency
5220 Spring Valley Rd, Suite 550
Dallas, Texas
Email: Robin@LifetreeAdoption.com
Lifetree Adoption Agency Lifetree Adoption Agency website