Lifeline Children's Services
We offer the following types of domestic adoption:
- Open
- Semi-open
We facilitate:
- Domestic
- Foster
- International
Lifeline Children's Services was founded over 40 years ago to serve women experiencing an unexpected pregnancy who needed support and information about their options. We continue to empower women to make a good choice for her and her baby by providing options counseling, resources, support, and adoption planning if she desires. Our adoptive families are equipped to care for a child through adoption, as Lifeline provides thorough assessment, education, and post adoption support. Women who choose adoption are also offered post adoption support with their advocate consistently for a year after placement, and then on an "as needed" basis.
We can serve women across the United States through our network of partnerships.
In addition to our services to women in unexpected pregnancies. Lifeline provides international and domestic adoption, foster care and family restoration, global orphan care, and education and counseling.
Lifeline Children's Services
200 Missionary Ridge Dr, Ste 200
Birmingham, Alabama
Email: pregnant@lifelinechild.org
Lifeline Children's Services Lifeline Children's Services website