Gifts of Grace Adoption Support Center
We offer the following types of domestic adoption:
- Open
- Semi-open
- Closed
We facilitate:
- Domestic
- Kinship/Relative
Gifts of Grace Adoption Support Center is a non-profit adoption agency based in Lafayette, Indiana. Gifts of Grace Adoption Support Center exists to provide high-quality, Christ-centered and affordable adoption services, in order to support birth families, create thriving adoptive families and ensure that all children attain a permanent home at the youngest possible age.
Services for Expectant Mothers:
Many women facing unplanned pregnancies simply cannot or will not choose to parent. We want these women to know that adoption is an option. We also deeply desire for the women who bravely choose life and adoption for their children to feel supported throughout their pregnancy and the adoption process. We know that, although all adoption involves some amount of sadness and loss, there can be dignity and joy in the process. We want our birth mothers to feel a sense of hope as they walk through their adoption journey. There is never any pressure or commitment as they gather information. All services are free to those exploring adoption as an option and those who go on to lovingly place their child.
Services include, but are not limited to:
- Options Counseling
- Adoption Education
- OBGYN Referrals
- Maternity Clothing Closet
- Transportation Assistance
- Adoption Planning and Support
- Hospital Delivery and Support
- In-House Non-Therapeutic Counseling and Processing
- Therapeutic Counseling Referrals (Adoption and Trauma Focused Counselor serving clients at our office bi-monthly.)
- Community Referrals
- Cradle Care (temporary voluntary short term child placement)
- Birth Parent Support Group
- Continued Post Placement Support
Services for Adoptive Parents:
We know adoption can be a joyful yet challenging process for Adoptive Families. We provide services and resources to guide families as they prepare to welcome a child into their home, and beyond. From pre-adoptive education, to post-adoption support groups, we are here for the entire adoption journey.
Services include, but are not limited to:
· Domestic Home Study Services
· Step-Parent Home Study Services
· Pre-Adoption Education
· Adoption Background Checks
· Case Management Services
· Expectant/Birth Parent Support
· Hospital & Placement Support
· Post-Adoption Services
· Adoption Support Groups
· Resource Library
· Full Adoption Program Services
Gifts of Grace Adoption Support Center
656 N 36th Street
Lafayette, Indiana
Email: info@giftsofgraceadoption.com
Gifts of Grace Adoption Support Center Gifts of Grace Adoption Support Center website