Aaron & Elizabeth

Marriage Length

13 Years

Home State







4 yr

1 yr

About Us

We are looking forward to growing our family through any of the following adoption opportunities:

Open , Semi-open , Closed
Any gender
Bi-racial , African descent , Asian descent , Hispanic descent , Middle Eastern descent , Native American descent
  • Older children up to age Age: 3
  • Twins
  • Multiples
  • Sibling groups up to 2


I remember as a child often hearing of God's love and His plan for our lives. My parent's always had us in church and we knew that God had a plan for our lives. When I was 8 years old, my family attended a revival meeting that was taking place just down the road. That night, I remember a preacher who was loud and passionate telling us there was an ultimate price we would pay if we rejected the Lord and His payment for our sins. That night was the first time I ever heard of a place called Hell I didn't understand everything he preached, but I knew enough that I didn't want to go there. It was some weeks later that my grandma was able to lead me to the Lord. While I still didn't understand all of it, and definitely couldn't put it all into words, I knew something was different and that I had made peace with my Lord and Savior. It has truly changed my life and the lid of my family now, and I owe everything to the Lord Jesus Christ. I continue to grow as a Christian through our weekly church services and daily time with Him. We continue to follow Him step by step along our journey of life!

Elizabeth's TESTIMONY

I made a profession of faith when I was 4 years old. When I got older, I didn't remember praying or anything about that experience. At 12 years old, I stopped caring what people would think and got saved. Then, I was positive that Heaven was my home! I strive to do daily devotions, attend services whenever the doors are open, pass out gospel tracts, go on church visitation, and tell others about Him. I have a prayer journal that I use to help me be consistent in my prayer time. We have definitely been praying a lot about the adoption process and for the birth family, even though we don't know them yet. I'm so thankful that I can take everything to my Heavenly Father and leave it with Him!

Letter to you

Read More

Our Christian Commitment

Vision For Raising A Child

our family video



We have family in the area. We also have a big support system through our church and the college, where Aaron works. We're thankful for all our friends and family!


Aaron has a Master's in Religious Education. He works as a Music Director at our church and as a Music Department Chariman at a Bible College. He loves what he does!

Elizabeth has a Bachelor's in Nursing and has been a Registered Nurse for 8 years. She currently works one day a week as an instructor at a local college in their nursing department. Once we adopt again, she will be a stay-at-home momma!


We like to homestead. We have 15 chcikens and we enjoy getting fresh eggs! We also have a small fruit orchard where we are working on getting fresh fruit that you can just pick from the trees. We live in a rural area and have some land. The kids get to explore and play. It's quiet here and you can hear the chirping of birds in the spring time or look at stars on a clear night. 

ABOUT Elizabeth