Bradley & Jerica


Marriage Length

11 Years

Home State







9 yr


7 yr


5 yr

About Us

We are Brad and Jerica. We have been married for 11 years. We have three boys; Owen, Briggs and Benny. We are delighted to open our home up to adoption because we believe the Lord has invited us to love another child. These three boys are over the moon excited to welcome another sibling to our family. Brad works as an engineer. He gets to work part time remotely at home and part time in his local office. We homeschool our children and Jerica is a stay at home mom and the primary educator of the kids. We live on 5 acres in the country near our church, friends, and and family.  Our family enjoys spending outside and exploring the world God has made. We are deeply connected to our family and friends. We have more support than we could ask or imagine as we grow as a family. We hope to talk to you soon! 

We are looking forward to growing our family through any of the following adoption opportunities:

Any gender
Any Race
  • Differently-abled
  • Twins
  • Sibling groups up to 2


I, Brad, was not raised in the church. My parents divorced when I was 8 years old and neither of them were religious. Growing up I would sometimes go to church with my maternal grandparents who were very devout Christians, but this amounted to maybe a handful of times a year. Despite growing up this way I always found myself drawn to prayer in times of struggle even though I honestly didn’t even know what I was doing. I didn’t know much about God, but I knew I got a sense of comfort and strength from it. When Jerica and I started dating we would attend church with her family whenever we were in town. In February of 2013 I was diagnosed with early stage 1 Testicular cancer (I have been cancer free for 11 years now). Through that experience I started praying consistently and really began to feel called to the Lord. Shortly after Jerica and I were married and moved back to where we both grew up in southern Illinois. At that point we started attending church regularly and even started a small group bible study within the church. Through the leadership of our pastor and fellowship of our small group my faith has steadily grown and strengthen over the last 10 years. I have learned to look at life very differently through this process and by God’s grace have found joy in serving my church, family, and community. At this point in my journey, I can honestly say that God has completely transformed my life and I have found happiness and purpose far beyond anything I have ever experienced. Although I am still very imperfect, I believe God is sanctifying me more every day.


I, Jerica, was raised in the church. My parents taught me Christian values and I had seasons in my childhood years where I can remember "following" the Lord. However, in hindsight there was still much to learn about God's love for me. At this point I viewed Christianity as a set of rules and did not understand the Father's deep love for me. I didn't understand that the rules were really the path to abundance out of love not out of harshness. The Lord used motherhood to open my eyes to the foundation Brad and I were builidng our lives on. I began to read the word and got involved in a Bible Study group where I was able to be discipled. Since this time in my life I have held fast to prayer, scripture, confession, feasting, fasting and fellowship only by the grace of God, Even though there are still alot of parts of my own story that are not redeemed and I still being transformed I can surely say, "Jesus is my portion, God is my provider, and the Holy Spirit is my leader" and I mean it from the depth of my soul. 

Letter to you

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Our Christian Commitment

Brad and Jerica met at a bonfire at a mutual friend's house. We began dating in 2009 shortly after Jerica graduated high school. Our dating years continued while Brad finished college. After Brad had began his career, while Jerica was still in college, we were married. Shortly before Jerica's graduation we had our first child and moved closer to where our family and community lives. We then had two more children. Christ was not the center of our marriage in the beggining but through the process of having children we began to rebuild our foundation on Him and our faith became essential to our days and lives. Currently, we are very activity in our church and our church community. Our church is more like family to us. 

Vision For Raising A Child

Our vision for raising a baby in a Christian home is to strive to reflect the glory of the Lord in our love. We aim to do this through discipline, stewardship, learning, teaching, playing and the list could go on and on. Primarily we are aware that we are not the saviour of a baby. We long to point our baby to Christ. To walk hand in hand towards the Lord daily. Practically we have rhthyms of prayer, Bible study, fellowship, fasting, feasting and simply doing our best to do all things to the glory of God. We know that the only way our Child will love the Lord is by Him and through Him. We long to plant seeds of love and truth into our child. 

our family video

ABOUT Bradley

Brad has a bachelors degree in engineering and a masters degree in business. He works as a full time engineer and is currently working a hybrid position. He works 2 days out of the house and 3 days from the home office. Brad is devoted to his family. His personality is laid back but responsible. He believes providing for his family spiritually, emotionally, and financially is one of God's greatest calls on his life. He is gentle, protective, and dedicated to spending time with our children. They enjoy being outside together and playing games and sports. He is always there to help out friends and family in whatever ways they need. He also is on several boards for local community programs where he uses his talents to help our community.




ABOUT Jerica

Jerica is a stay at home mom. We are a homeschool family and she is the primary teacher of our children. She has found so much joy in teaching the children from sun-up to sun-down as a way of life. Being a wife and mother is where she feels most aligned with God's purpose in her life. She is nurturing, compassionate, and loving. Jerica is thoughtful and soft spoken by nature and has a big heart for others. She loves spending time with our children especially teaching them things of God. She is also very devoted to our community. This ranges from volunteering at our local homeschool co-op or being out in the community. One example the summer sack lunch program she started to provide daily meals for school.


We live near Jerica's Mother, Father and Sister. Jerica's parents are the primary babysitters or caregiver when we need additional help. Jerica's parents have always been devoted to our family and her sister would consider being an aunt as her greatest gift in life. We are also surrounded by Jerica's paternal aunt, uncles, cousins and grandma.


After completed high school I attended SIUE School of Pharmacy and obtained a Doctorate in Pharmacy. I worked in a local pharmacy for 9 years until recently decided to quit my paid occupation to work fully as a stay at home mom and the educator of our children. I have thoroughly enjoyed caring for the sick as a pharmacist however, I feel most called to the work inside my home. To care for and educate my children and to prepare our home as a place where we can all thrive and grow in Christ. 



Owen enjoys fishing, playing football, basketball, baseball, and he enjoys hunting. Owen is gentle, but full of energy. He is a very mature child who has a heart for others.


Briggs is full of imagination and joy. He is very passionate about learning and teaching. He loves science and exploration more than any person in the world.


Benny loves swinging, running anywhere and playing warriors with his brothers and friends. Benny truly has a smile on his face all the time and is continually willing to help out.