Cory & Kelsi

Marriage Length

15 Years

Home State







10 yr


9 yr


5 yr

About Us

We are Cory and Kelsi, with three children, Abe, Hazel, and Riley. We love spending time together as a family doing activities like bike rides, movie and pizza nights, individual and family date nights. We live in a small rural town that is currently growing quickly. Kelsi is a stay-at-home mom, that works part time for the local libraries providing early childhood activities. She has her degree in Early Childhood Education. Cory is a software engineer and gets to work from home two days a week. Cory has his degree in Computer Science. Our children range in ages from 5-10.  With the youngest in morning preschool and the oldest in Junior High.  Adoption has always been part of our plan. We were blessed with our three children, but are ready to add to our family through adoption.

We are looking forward to growing our family through any of the following adoption opportunities:

Open , Semi-open , Closed
Any gender
Bi-racial , African descent , Caucasian descent , Hispanic descent
  • Older children up to age Age: 1
  • Twins
  • Multiples


In the last couple of years, I believe I've gotten much closer to Jesus on a personal level. Before that, most of my time spent in reflecting about my faith was an academic, cerebral exercise, so much so that I felt the need to take a break from the philosophy of religion, theology, and apologetics podcasts and books to just focus on the Bible as God's Word for me. This has led to a stronger devotional life, and a true sense of experiencing my redemption in Christ. 

I was raised in a Catholic family, going to Mass every week, and CCD class. While I understood the faith and practiced it, the aspect of being able to actually relate with God always seemed to be lackingAfter being invited several times by a friend to a youth group at a non-denominational (Evangelical) church, I went to one of the youth group’s parties, which started me going to the youth groups, which let to me getting saved. There for a while, I was somewhat emphatic about my new beliefs over against what my parents believed as Catholics, but eventually I learned that that best way to witness to them was to show them respect, so I continued to go to church with them and attend Catechism class. From this change in tone and respect, this open the door to them started being open towards attending my church functions, and eventually came to a saving faith in Christ as well. 

I left for college and had a roommate that was into theologyI started to really enjoy learning about Christianity and apologeticsI learned a lot during my time listening to podcasts about theologyI hope to instill the “why” into my children so that when they grow up, they don’t just believe in God, they know why they believe.


I am very fortunate to have been raised in a family that prioritized their relationship with GodMy parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents were all ChristiansThis did not mean that I am a Christian just because of my roots, but it did help show me the importance of God and family.   


I was saved at the young age of four and have never looked back or strayedThat doesn’t mean I have always had a perfect walk with GodI have never left my faith or experimented with the world and world viewsI have always tried to keep God and what he wants for me at the center. 


I have been tested, I have walked through the valleys and climbed the mountainsI have seen the dark and have emerged from itI used to feel like my testimony was boringBut it has been proven to me over and over that the testimony of choosing God and staying faithful to him is actually one of the most powerful testimonies there is.   

Letter to you

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Our Christian Commitment

We are very active in our church. We attend every service and serve in most of them. Cory is on the worship team, we help serve together teaching a children’s class, and I am the nursery coordinator. Attending church is not an obligation, it is a privilege. We want to serve in church so that more people can be reached for God. We need the fellowship of other Believers to help strengthen our own Christian walk.

Vision For Raising A Child

Our main goal with parenting is to raise our children so that when they are grown, they are first and foremost Children of God. We also want them to be respectful and contributing members of society. We try to parent in a way that reflects that.

We believe that in our home we are the God given authority. We allow the children to have input and be a part of the decision making when ever we can. We try to keep routines to help the children know what to expect.

We love to have fun together. We go on family walks or bike rides often. We watch movies together and have special date nights with the kids. We want the children to feel loved and safe at home. We spend time with each child individually so that they know how much we love them. We believe that if we establish a strong connection with them when they are little, they will trust us as they get older. We teach them respect by respecting them. They are the sweetest children, but it takes a lot to learn how to be respectful. Our goal is to raise them so that they know they can always talk to us, no matter what.

We try and spend time each night with the children before bed reading, singing, and doing a devotional. It helps them calm down, and the routine makes them feel safe.

our family video


Cory is very intelligent and loves to dig deep into a topic that interests him.  Cory is a great father and always takes time to make each child feel special.  He has special "date nights" once a month with each child.  They always look forward to these nights and get to make the plans.  Cory is the perfect mix of knowing when he needs to be firm but can always lighten the mood by being silly.  He's an active dad and teh kids love their routine of reading with him every night.  


Cory's extended family is small.  It is just his parent's and his sister and her finacé.  We all get together on major holidays and text during the month. 


Cory has a degree in computer science and has a good job in an IT department.  He gets to work from home a few days a week which helps with having more time home.


Cory enjoys spending time going on walks with his family and dog.  He also plays guitar and is on the church worship team.


Kelsi is very purposeful and organized about her life.  She always makes time to make her friends and family a priority.  She also has a heart for teaching.  Kelsi has a way of connecting with kids by entering into their world and communicating with them on their level while having a balance of mutual care and respect.  She is a very passionate mother, and cares deeply about her children’s well-being and their futures.  She personally invests herself into the children; making sure their needs are met and aiding in their education. 


Kelsi has a large family.  She has two brothers and a sister.  They are all married with children.  There are now twenty people in the family.  The family gets together around once a month for holidays and birthdays.  With that many kids there are a lot of birthday parties!  


Kelsi has a Bachlor's Degree in Early Childhood Education.  She currently works part time at the local libraries as a consultant, providing preschool and younger story time and Move & Groove.  This job is great because she gets to take her children with her to expierence it.  


Kelsi enjoys coaching kid's sports.  This summer she was an assisstant coach on all three of the kid's ball teams.  In her free time she also likes to read books and sew.  Every year she hand makes Halloween costumes for the kids.


Abe is 10 and a very active boy. He loves building forts outside, learning about survival, riding his bike, making up new games, and also watching t.v.


Hazel is a “girly girl” and loves wearing dresses almost every dayShe also loves riding her bike, drawing, playing with her siblings, and learning.


Riley is five and is such a sweet girlShe loves her family and gives the best hugsShe likes to play with play dough, color, and play outside. 


We live in a ranch style home in a small town.  We love the small town living and wouldn't have it any other way.  We are just a block from the elementary school and often walk up to play on the equipment.  We also have lots of equipment in our yard with a large swingset and trampoline.


We spend a lot of time at the school, at church, and at the library.