marriage length

11 Years

State Location


Church Denomination




About us

Brandon and Brandy have been married 10 years and they are very eager to add a sweet miracle child to their family. We love to spend time with our families and attend church events. Brandon loves anything to do with music. From playing the bass, to playing the drums, to singing. Anything he can do that involves music that is his happy place. Brandy loves anything out doors, during the summer she is outside every chance she gets. As a couple they love to vacation at the beach in the summer then in the winter they love to go to the mountains. They just genuinely love spending time with each other and their families.


Letter to you

Dear Birth Mom,  We want to take this time to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for viewing our profile.  We have nothing but respect and gratitute for you.  I know everyone's story is different and although we do not know you, we pray for you daily.  We pray God wrap His arms around you and allow you to feel His love like you never have.  Through our adoption journey we have a journal that we write to our child.  We always make a point to express how selfless and strong you are in that journal.  We want our child to know nothing but good about his/her birth mom.  This has been such a journey for us, but we know God made you just for us.  It always blows our minds how God knew us way before we were even formed in our mothers womb.  WOW! There is just not words to express how thankful and grateful we are for you.  If you do chose us for your adoption, we want you to know without a doubt that your child will always know that his/her birth mom loved him/her unconditionally.  We will always respect and honor you in our household.  We grately appreciate you viewing our profile.  We pray God lead and guide you through this process like only He can do.


Thank You    


Brandon's testimony

I have been in church my whole life. I always remember my mom and I going to southern gospel quartet singings. That is what developed my love for playing music and singing. I have played some type of instrument as long as I can remember. I currently play drums and sing on our praise team. At the age of 9 I was baptized in Jesus name and I have never been the same. Have I made mistakes, absolutely. God is a faithful God and He loves unconditionally and I am forever grateful of that. I now serve God with my amazing wife of 10 years. We are so excited to grown our family and raise our babies in the church.


Brandy's testimony

I have been in church since I was 5 years old. My parents chose to put me in a private Christian school and from then Church is all I have known. I grew up very involved in the choir and Sunday school department. I started helping in our Sunday school department at the age of 19 and I have been involved in that part of church every since. I was baptized in Jesus name at the age of 9. I have messed up and made mistakes over my years of service God, but one thing is sure. God is good all the time and I am so thankful for his love and mercy that he shows us daily.

about Brandon

Brandon is a God fearing, Christian man who loves his family dearly.  He ownes his own business and works very hard to provide for his family. In his spare time he loves playing the bass and drums, fishing, and cooking new things. Brandon loves his wife dearly and is very excited to become a father in the near future. 


Both Brandon and Brandy come from really great families.  Brandy is originally from Mississippi, so they travel there every chance they get to spend time with her family.  Brandon's family is in Tennessee so we are right near them every day.  Family means so much to us!  We believe God give you your family to love and take care of when they need it.  There is nothing in the world we would not do to take care of our family if they needed it.  Famly is everything! 

Gatlinburg Vacation

Gatlinburg Vacation

Christmas with family

Christmas with family

about Brandon work & education

We both have worked very hard to get where we are in life.  Brandy is an executive administrative assistant for a hospital organization in Tennessee.  We are also business owners.  Brandon has his own bread route that he successfully runs on a dialy bases.  We are two hard working people who believe hard work pays off.  


Brandon's Hobbies - Playing the bass and drums, cooking new things, and fishing

Brandy's Hobbies - Fishing, cooking, and anything outdoors 

about Brandy

Brandy is a loving, godly, Christian women.  She works a full time job, but always has time for family and the church.  On the days that she is off she loves anything out doors from fishing to yard work.  She loves to be outside on a sunny day.  Brandy loves her husband very much and is so beyond thrilled to become a Mother one day very soon. 


about Brandy work & education


about our home

We love country living :) We have a home out in the country and we love it.  We call this our two acres of heaven.  It is so quiet and peaceful.  If you set outside at night you can hear all kind of nature and cows.  We are surrounded by corn fields, hay fields, and cattle.  We both love coming home every afternoon to relax and enjoy the day. 

We can't leave our our sweet fur baby Banjo :)

We can't leave our our sweet fur baby Banjo :)

about our world

Our world is calm, and peaceful, yet sometimes a little crazy with life and how busy that can be.  For the most part our world is great becasue we do our best to keep God at the center of it all.  Yes there are times we get frazzled and there are times we hurt just like everyone.  It's in those times we have to learn to lean on God above all else.  We love each other and our families dearly and we cannot wait to have our little miracle here so we can love on him/her.  We love our little piece of country that we call home :)