marriage length

5 Years

State Location


Church Denomination




About us

We are potential parents who love living life and want to share that love with your child. We have love in our hearts for God, first - family, next and from there it extends into our community. Marriage, to us, means working hard daily showing our love to each other. It helps that we both share a deep faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ. We exist with Him at the center of our lives. One of the things for which we pray daily is that God would bless us with a child. It does not look like this will happen biologically but, with God’s help, it may through adoption. We look forward to pouring our love out to a baby boy or girl, sharing all that we have with them. We especially look forward to helping them grow up knowing how much God loves them and the wonderful things He has in store for their lives.

We want to grow as a family through adoption. We respect all children’s uniqueness and believe that each has been created intentionally by Our Lord. The two of us often find ourselves in lively interaction with the children of our extended family and in our circle of friends. During these conversations, we both learn from the youngsters as well as share lessons we have learned in life..


Letter to you

Dear Parent of our child,

We are a faith-filled couple seeking the Lord’s will for our life together. God has not given us children to raise, but we want to raise children. Could it be that God wants us to raise your child?

If you are reading this profile, we know it must be a difficult time for you and your family. Please accept our love, well-wishes, and our prayers for you! Placing children in an adoption is hard - so much to consider - so allow us to introduce ourselves for your discernment to see if we are the best family for your child.

With love,

Jason & Katie


Jason's testimony

I grew up outside the church. When I was a teenager I came to believe in God and discovered a desire to be baptized. The mystery of God and His love for us little humans amazed me. I spent a long time discerning a celibate life but finally I understood that God was not calling me to celibacy. I married my beautiful wife and have discovered more meaning in my life than I knew before. I deeply want to raise children but God has not blessed us with children to raise. Now I am seeking His will here to find out if He wants to me raise adoptive children.


Katie's testimony

I grew up in a household with religion. I was raised with the core beliefs that God (Triune Deity) is Love and that He loves me as His creature. I learned the principles of Christianity in a private grade school and applied its power in public high school. It was there that I found friends of different denominations with whom I held the same morals and values. Throughout my adult life, I have applied Christ's commandment to love children by continuing to care for the young, even though they are not my own. At this point, I feel God is calling me to apply my skills with children through motherhood as an adoptive mother and I look forward to the opportunity to invest my love in a parental relationship with Jason.

about Jason

I'm mostly German but all American. I grew up with Mom, Dad, and my sister in the city. I like creating things and I'm a computer whiz at work.

But on weekends I relax by cheering my nieces’ and nephews’ sports teams, attending musical performances with my wife, and by serving as a lector on Sundays.

Autumn is Jason's favorite time of year

Autumn is Jason's favorite time of year

It's a great time to enjoy nature.

It's a great time to enjoy nature.

Summer is pretty good too!

Summer is pretty good too!

Visiting the Minnesota State Fair is something we look forward to each year.

Visiting the Minnesota State Fair is something we look forward to each year.


Holidays with our extended family include a huge feast, with at least one jigsaw puzzle going, the game on in the background, and people digging in for seconds.





The best part is everyone spending a few moments to share aloud what we are grateful for: God, each other, and the gift of our lives.


In the pool with the nieces and nephews

In the pool with the nieces and nephews

Hey, it's a thirty point buck!

Hey, it's a thirty point buck!

Shopping for Christmas trees with Katie's cousin.

Shopping for Christmas trees with Katie's cousin.

Is this a window or a door?!

Is this a window or a door?!

Jason cannot contain his happiness

Jason cannot contain his happiness

about Jason work & education

Jason has a bachelor's degree and works as a software developer.



I’m the second eldest of five children. I was a big help to our parents in raising my younger siblings. Growing up, my household was full of diapers, driving siblings to soccer, ballet classes, and martial arts. Praying together - Mom, Dad and kids - we enjoyed a close family life. I grew up babysitting and always have loved being with small children, now I look forward to welcoming a child to our home!

about Katie

Her interests vary, she loves art (sketching with pastels / pencils and painting watercolors).  She enjoys listening to music from classical to Frank Sinatra and likes to tinker on the piano. She loves physical fitness: from attending ballet class to participating in the Japanese martial art of Aikido. For years, she has enjoyed the hobby of rowing on the Mississippi River.

Katie loves to work with children at school.

Katie loves to work with children at school.

Visiting the sick and the elderly is also important to me.

Visiting the sick and the elderly is also important to me.

She likes to explore and try new things.

She likes to explore and try new things.


Katie comes from a big extended family with numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins.

about Katie work & education

Katie has a Master's degree and volunteers at a local school.


Her interests vary, she loves art (sketching with pastels / pencils and painting watercolors).  She enjoys listening to music from classical to Frank Sinatra and likes to tinker on the piano. She loves physical fitness: from attending ballet class to participating in the Japanese martial art of Aikido. For years, she has enjoyed the hobby of rowing on the Mississippi River.

about our home


Our sister and brother-in-law and their five children (ages twelve and down) live across the street and Katie’s parents live a block away. The neighborhood is filled with families with young children and there’s a beautiful sense of community. Your child will fit right into our family household and our neighborhood.

We entertain often on our backyard patio.

We entertain often on our backyard patio.

about our world


Our sister and brother-in-law and their five children (ages twelve and down) live across the street and Katie’s parents live a block away. The neighborhood is filled with families with young children and there’s a beautiful sense of community. Your child will fit right into our family household and our neighborhood.

The neighborhood is friendly and fun-loving.

The neighborhood is friendly and fun-loving.

There's usually something fun going on with the extended family so close by.

There's usually something fun going on with the extended family so close by.

Watching our niece's soccer game.

Watching our niece's soccer game.