marriage length

54 Years

State Location


Church Denomination




About us

I became best friends with Jerad’s sister while I was in nursing school. She and I played on a kickball team with nursing school friends, along with Jerad and some of his friends. Jerad and I became friends, started dating, and quickly fell in love. Our relationship has always had a strong foundation based on faith and family. We still consider ourselves lucky to share the same values and opinions on the most important aspects of life: religion, prioritizing family and wanting children.

About a year after we began dating, Jerad cooked a steak dinner at his house for me. After dinner, we were going to watch a movie, but he proposed instead! We sat and talked for an hour before we called anyone which was special to us. We then called our family and close friends and met some friends out that night to celebrate. It was a fun, low key night—the way we like it! We had a large wedding in the church I grew up attending. All our family and friends were there to celebrate with us. It was a beautiful and perfect ceremony. Afterward, we had a reception with dinner and a band. It was one of the most fun nights we have had together. We felt so loved, and we talked to and celebrated with the people we loved and even had time to dance and enjoy the night ourselves



7 yr

Claire is kind, thoughtful, smart, and creative. She is in second grade, and absolutely loves school and has a lot of friends. She loves reading, art, and playing pretend. She tells everyone we are adopting again and she is very excited.


3 yr

Grace is full of personality. She is a total goofball! She is full of energy and she is so fun. She loves playing with her big sister, and she is very social and loves other people. When I ask her if she wants to be a big sister she says "Yesh!"

Letter to you

Dear Birth Mom,

We know this must be an extremely hard time for you. We hope that you are doing ok and hopefully are getting the support and comfort you need at this time.

My name is Ami, and my husband Jerad and I have two children, Claire (7) and Grace (2). We were blessed with Claire during our first year of marriage, but we had trouble getting pregnant for a few years after. We decided to adopt in 2020 and we adopted our youngest daughter Grace in June of 2020. Adoption has been the greatest unexpected gift of our lives. Grace is so wonderful in every way possible. Everyone who knows her loves and adores her. She has been an inspiration to many others who are thinking about adoption. We are thrilled to adopt again.

We live in Houston, Texas, in a lovely neighborhood with many young families. My mother, my sister, Jerad’s brother, and Jerad’s sister all live within 2 miles of our house. We are so thankful that we are so close with our families and can see them often. We mainly spend our free time spending time with our children, our families, and friends. Our kids have 4 cousins so far in Houston and more to come! We have a special community surrounding us and we love how between our neighborhood, family, and school we have a great environment for our children to grow up.

I stay at home with our two children. Claire is in full time school in second grade just a few minutes from our house. Grace just started preschool 3 days a week this year, and loves it so far! I like to stay home with the kids for the first 3 years. I enjoy spending time with the kids and taking them to parks, the zoo, museums etc. I cherish all my time with our children so much and I love watching them grow every day.

Jerad works as an engineer for a large company. He has always been an amazing father. The girls adore him and he is the “funny” dad who loves to play with the girls. He particularly loves building Legos and blocks with the girls, swimming, and taking them outside to play. He grew up in a large family with 8 children so he loves babies and children.

We know that you are looking through many profiles right now and making an enormous decision. We know you will choose the right family, and we hope you find peace during this process.



Jerad's testimony


Ami's testimony

about Jerad

Favorite color: Green

Favorite food: Mexican Food

Favorite animal: LSU Tiger (Mike)

One word that describes you: Kind

Fun facts:
Loves watching sports
Loves playing tennis
Loves good food
Has 7 full siblings, and 1 half sibling who is 1 year old!
Favorite movie is Apollo 13


Jerad has 8 siblings, 9 aunts and uncles, and we have 5 nieces and nephews on his side alone. His dad and stepmom live in Richardson, Texas. He has siblings in Richardson, Lubbock, Austin, Amarillo, Houston, and Australia! His family is very close and so fun to be around.

about Jerad work & education


Watch the Office

Go eat Mexican food

Take the kids to the park

Have friends over for a football game

We have a big crawfish boil every year at our house

Swim with the kids at Ami’s moms house

Go see a movie

about Ami

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite food: Cheeseburgers

Favorite animal: Dolphins

One word that describes you: Caring

Fun facts:
I love to be with my kids
I love comedies
I am half Filipino half Mexican
I worked as an ICU nurse before I had children
I like to cook


I have 3 siblings, 9 aunts and uncles, and we have one niece on my side of the family. My family mostly lives in Houston, except for my brother in Waxahachie. We are all very close also and I love how we are all in Texas.

about Ami work & education


Watch the Office

Go eat Mexican food

Take the kids to the park

Have friends over for a football game

We have a big crawfish boil every year at our house

Swim with the kids at Ami’s moms house

Go see a movie

about Children Claire

Claire is kind, thoughtful, smart, and creative. She is in second grade, and absolutely loves school and has a lot of friends. She loves reading, art, and playing pretend. She tells everyone we are adopting again and she is very excited.

about Children Grace

Grace is full of personality. She is a total goofball! She is full of energy and she is so fun. She loves playing with her big sister, and she is very social and loves other people. When I ask her if she wants to be a big sister she says "Yesh!"

about our home

We have lived in our house for six years and absolutely love it. Our house has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, and a large backyard. It has a small upstairs that serves as a playroom. We also enjoy spending time in our back yard and entertaining family and friends.

One of the reasons we moved into our neighborhood was because of the community. We have a very active neighborhood with a civic club, moms club, garden club, and more. We know so many of our neighbors, and there is a culture of friendliness, warmth, and focus on family. The moms club has fun activities for kids, including Breakfast with Santa, a Fourth of July Parade, and an Easter egg hunt, just to name a few. We have lots of young children in the neighborhood including many children who go to Claire and Grace’s school. My mom and sister, Jerad’s sister and brother all live within two miles from us. The girls now have four cousins who live close by! Our families are all growing and we are so thankful to have so much family near. Our church is only five minutes away. There is where we attend church Sundays and where Claire goes to school. We are lucky to have a huge community surrounding us.

about our world