marriage length

9 Years

State Location

North Carolina

Church Denomination




About us

Hey! We are Greg and Jodi. We have been married for 8 years. We were introduced through friends, and it was love at first sight. We have been trying to have children for 8 years. We have had many failed fertility treatments, and after much prayer, we started our adoption journey. We know God has called us to adopt and we are so excited! We love spending time together. We enjoy playing with our dogs, or going for a hike. We like to do things outside, and we love spending time with friends and family. 


Letter to you

Dear Birth Mom, thank you so much for considering us as you make the tough decision of who will care for and love your child. We know this is not an easy decision. We are praying for you and your baby everyday. You will always be honored and cherished by us. If we are chosen to parent your little bundle of joy, you will be giving us the joy of having a family we could not have on our own. Thank you, mama. We pray that God comforts you in this decision and that you will know He has an amazing plan for you and your little one. Amen. 


Greg's testimony

When I was about 6 years old me and my family started going to church. We went to church on Sundays and Wednesdays. There was a church bus that picked up all the kids for Sunday school, we sang songs on the way to church. All the kids that rode the church bus together got saved on the same night and I was baptized shortly after that. The when I was about 23 I rededicated my life to Christ again and I got really involved with church. Went on a mission trip to Nicaragua to teach kids about Christ. Me and my wife go to church regularly now. So I have been saved and been a Christian since I was a child. Me and my wife have been trying to have a kid for 7 years, I really there there is a kid that God wants us to adopt. I think that’s why we haven’t had a child yet. God is using us through adoption. We will read the Bible to the kid every night and when the kid is older they will read it to us. Attend Sunday school to learn with other kids. We will be involved in our church.


Jodi's testimony

I was raised in church. We went church every Sunday and Wednesday. I was saved when I was a small child, around 6 or 7 years old. I was baptized around the same age. I went to the same church with my family until I moved out on my own for the first time when I was about 22. When I was in my 20’s I didn’t go to church as much, I was still Christian but I drifted away a little bit. I tried several different churches but never went as much as I should. I spent more time going out with my friends. I learned that this was not the way that I wanted to live my life, it was not the way to be happy or the way God wants us to live. When I was in my late 20’s I recommitted my life to God and really got involved in Church again. God really started doing great things in my life then and this is when I really started to pray for a husband and God answered my prayers with the best husband. Now we are in a waiting period. I believe that God really had to let me hit rock bottom to get me where he wanted me to be. I think God wants us to adopt a baby. I think that is how God is using me now. God has a child that we can love and provide a Christian home for. We will definitely raise our child in our church family. We will teach the child about the Bible and demonstrate how to live as a Christian.

about Greg

Greg is kind, trustworthy, and hardworking. He is so caring; he would do anything for anyone. He is a provider and a fixer. He can literally fix anything! He loves to laugh and he loves the Lord. 

Fun day on a hiking trail.

Fun day on a hiking trail.

Playing in the yard with Riley.

Playing in the yard with Riley.

Playing putt putt at the beach.

Playing putt putt at the beach.


Greg's family lives close by. He has one older brother. Greg's parents don't have any grandchildren yet; they are so excited for us to grow our family. 

Wedding with Greg’s family.

Wedding with Greg’s family.

Greg’s family on our wedding day.

Greg’s family on our wedding day.

Pool day.

Pool day.

about Greg work & education

Greg has worked for the department of transportation for 25 years, and after another five years of working there, he will retire and start a new career!


Greg likes working with his hands. He repairs small engines and likes doing projects outside. 

about Jodi

Jodi is kindhearted and loving. She is very laid back and get along with everyone. She is artistic and creative. She is the calmest person I know. She loves the Lord and will be a wonderful mother. 

Playing in the yard with Riley and Leo.

Playing in the yard with Riley and Leo.

Our wedding day.

Our wedding day.

Babysitting my nephew.

Babysitting my nephew.

Walking on the beach.

Walking on the beach.


Jodi's family lives close by, we spend time with them often. Jodi has one brother, one sister, a niece, a nephew, and a great nephew. 

Birthday party

Birthday party

My nieces wedding day.

My nieces wedding day.

Family beach trip.

Family beach trip.

Jodi’s family on our wedding day.

Jodi’s family on our wedding day.

about Jodi work & education

Jodi is a hairstylist, and has 20 years of experience. She likes learning new skills for her job. She loves staying up to date with all the newest trends and techniques. 


Jodi likes to read and watch movies. She enjoys exercising she does CrossFit and yoga. Loves to go for hikes and walks with the dogs. 

about our home

We bought our home right before we got married. We have remodeled it ourselves. We made it a home we love. It's comfortable and cozy. 

about our world