marriage length

7 Years

State Location


Church Denomination




About us

Our love for each other started from our love of horses. We met at a time in our lives when we both trained and showed horses alongside both of our families. Though we had known of each other, one day we fell in love as we discovered not only did we share the same interest but most importantly we shared the same values. We could tell from that moment that God had led us to each other. After dating for a year, Jonathan proposed in April and we got married in October 2016. We have been married for 7 years and still can say we are truly each others best friend.


Letter to you

Dear Birth Mom,

We want to thank you for giving us the opportunity to introduce ourselves.  To be completely honest writing this has been hard, not because we are ungrateful, but only for the reason that we simply can not put into words how truly thankful we are for you taking the time to get to know us.  We pray that our story will provide you with peace as you move forward. We hope that as you go through our profile you get to know us and see the genuine love and peacefulness our home has to offer.


Jonathan's testimony


Kendall's testimony

about Jonathan

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite food: Steak

Favorite animal: Horse

One word that describes you: Loyal

Fun facts:
- He is good at carpentry work. He built most of the furniture in our house.
- Enjoys hunting and fishing.
- Blessed to have won a world champion title with a horse he trained.

about Jonathan EXTENDED FAMILY

Though Jonathan’s family lives 6 hours away we get to visit them several times throughout the year. We are surrounded by supportive and loving friends and family.

about Jonathan work & education

about Jonathan HOBBIES & INTERESTS

  • We love traveling to new places.
  • We enjoy being outside.
  • We are adventurous and like doing activities such as hiking, kayaking, riding ATVs
  • We enjoy training horses together.
  • We enjoy sitting on our porch and playing with the dogs.
  • We enjoy watching college sports.

about Kendall

Favorite color: Maroon

Favorite food: Tex-Mex

Favorite animal: Dogs and Horses

One word that describes you: Caring

Fun facts:
- Has been skydiving and loved it.
- Has helped her family in the hay field for 14 years.
- Enjoys giving horse riding lessons to kids.


We are fortunate to have close relationships with both of our families. Kendall’s dad, mom and sister live next door to us. Their land joins to our land, so our child will have a wide ranging area to run and play. 

Kendall is extremely close to her older sister Leslie, who has down syndrome. The bond they share is very special, and something Kendall values most. Leslie is so excited about becoming an aunt.

about Kendall work & education


  • We love traveling to new places.
  • We enjoy being outside.
  • We are adventurous and like doing activities such as hiking, kayaking, riding ATVs
  • We enjoy training horses together.
  • We enjoy sitting on our porch and playing with the dogs.
  • We enjoy watching college sports.

about our home

We are blessed to live in a small loving community. We built a 4 bedroom, 1 loft, 2 bathroom house with an open concept. Our house sits on 10 acres of land adjoining 20 acres of family land, full of all kinds of farm animals. We are proud to say that we were able to do a lot of the construction ourselves with the help of family. What we love most about our home is how peaceful it is. Looking out the front window where the sun rises you will see a pasture of cows and ponies. One of our favorite parts of our house is the back porch. Most of the time you will find us here sitting in the rocking chairs looking out among the trees.

about our world