marriage length

22 Years

State Location


Church Denomination




About us

I, Rachel, was born and raised by my precious parents in middle Tennessee. My dad worked in human resources for most of my childhood, and my mom worked in our family home, caring for my sister and me. My older sister Michele is married and has three young boys in addition to three stepchildren. Three of the six children have joined our family through the great gift of adoption. Our nephews and niece have been a blessing to us and are true examples of how beautiful adoption truly is. My sister and I were raised in a Christian home and were taught about having a personal relationship with Jesus, which is what I cherish the most. I have many special memories from my childhood. My family and I also enjoyed taking summer vacations to a lake in middle Tennessee. It was during these summer vacations that so many wonderful memories were made. Today, I enjoy baking for family and friends. It’s important to me to love those precious people the Lord has placed in my life. One really great way for me to spend time with the Lord is by creating things that give Him glory. It’s this creativity that has me constantly working on a wide range of creative activities. I often create things that allow me to include scripture. It’s a way to encourage others to remain focused on the Word of God and His love for all of us. The Lord has me in a season of life where I am called to really be a person who intervenes on behalf of another, especially by prayer.


Matthew grew up in East Tennessee. In addition, he was raised by wonderful parents who taught him to love and serve Jesus Christ. While his father was an engineer, his mother worked at home, caring for Matthew and his siblings. Marie, Matthew's younger sister, is married with two stepchildren. Her stepson and his wife recently gave birth to a baby girl, making Marie a grandmother. Additionally, Matthew has a younger married brother. He and his wife have a one-year-old boy, and they will soon be adding to their family through another pregnancy. Matthew was involved in a variety of sports as a child. Basketball, baseball, and track were the three sports that captured his interest the most. Like me, he was heavily involved in church and grew up serving the Lord. Matthew also enjoys the creative side of things. He uses his interest in computers to create digital products that glorify the Lord, all while encouraging those who make up the Kingdom of God. He loves to serve others and has a heart for those who need a helping hand. His heart for people is one of the qualities that I love so much about him.


Letter to you

Dear Birth Mom,

Hello! I pray that this letter touches your heart, and may you be blessed! My name is Rachel, and my husband's name is Matthew. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this letter and for considering us.


As I begin this letter, I want you to know that my intention is to provide a loving, nurturing, and supportive home for your child. I have always wanted to be a mother, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to bring a child into my life through an adoption plan. We have a desire to adopt for so many reasons. We long to provide a loving and stable home for a child. It is that desire within us to build a family and experience the joys of parenthood. Through the gift of adoption, we will have the honor of giving a child the opportunity to grow and thrive in a safe and encouraging environment. Making a positive impact on a child's life and helping them reach their full potential. Even though we have had to wait for so long to begin this journey it will all be worth it in the end. To us creating a legacy of love and family is such a beautiful gift from the Lord.


We want you to experience compassion, acceptance, and love. No one will look back and regret it. Not only will we pray every day for our baby (yours and ours), but it will also serve as a reminder to pray for you daily. Whoever God chooses to carry our (yours and ours) child; He knew from the beginning that He would choose you to carry our child. That’s grace, a gift, from Him through you to us. Know that He is in control, and nothing happens by accident. If you choose us, you will be fully loved; our child will be fully loved; and our hearts will be forever grateful.


I want to tell you a little bit about our story. When Matthew and I first met in college, we both knew we were meant to be together. We have now been married for more than 20 years. We live in a spacious and comfortable home in a safe and family-friendly neighborhood, and we have a strong support system of friends and family who are excited to welcome a child into our lives. We are filled with hope and excitement at the prospect of becoming parents. I personally have always dreamed of starting a family, and the thought of being able to provide a loving and nurturing home for a child fills me with joy. I have so much love to give, and I am ready and willing to devote my life to being the best mother that I can be.


I was born and raised by my precious parents in middle Tennessee. My dad worked in human resources for most of my childhood, and my mom worked in our family home, caring for my sister and me. My older sister Michele is married and has three young boys in addition to three stepchildren. Three of the six children have joined our family through the great gift of adoption. Our nephews and niece have been a blessing to us and are true examples of how beautiful adoption truly is. My sister and I were raised in a Christian home and were taught about having a personal relationship with Jesus, which is what I cherish the most. I have many special memories from my childhood. My family and I also enjoyed taking summer vacations to a lake in middle Tennessee. It was during these summer vacations that so many wonderful memories were made. Today, I enjoy baking for family and friends. It’s important to me to love those precious people the Lord has placed in my life. One really great way for me to spend time with the Lord is by creating things that give Him glory. It’s this creativity that has me constantly working on a wide range of creative activities. I often create things that allow me to include scripture. It’s a way to encourage others to remain focused on the Word of God and His love for all of us. The Lord has me in a season of life where I am called to really be a person who intervenes on behalf of another, especially by prayer.


Matthew grew up in East Tennessee. In addition, he was raised by wonderful parents who taught him to love and serve Jesus Christ. While his father was an engineer, his mother worked at home, caring for Matthew and his siblings. Marie, Matthew's younger sister, is married with two stepchildren. Her stepson and his wife recently gave birth to a baby girl, making Marie a grandmother. Additionally, Matthew has a younger married brother. He and his wife have a one-year-old boy, and they will soon be adding to their family through another pregnancy. Matthew was involved in a variety of sports as a child. Basketball, baseball, and track were the three sports that captured his interest the most. Like me, he was heavily involved in church and grew up serving the Lord. Matthew also enjoys the creative side of things. He uses his interest in computers to create digital products that glorify the Lord, all while encouraging those who make up the Kingdom of God. He loves to serve others and has a heart for those who need a helping hand. His heart for people is one of the qualities that I love so much about him.


Like our parents raised us, we will guide our child to a saving faith in Christ by being parents that assist them by sharing the gospel with them and modelling a Christian lifestyle. This will set them on a path to maturity, bringing them to the full measure of His glory. We believe in setting clear boundaries and expectations while also fostering independence and creativity. We believe in the importance of education and will prioritize your child's academic and personal growth. We also value the importance of outdoor play and exploration, and we love taking nature walks, going to the park, and engaging in creative activities.


We would like for you to know that you are an amazingly strong woman who will be such a blessing to some family’s life – just realize that. You are a blessing from God – created knowing you were going to be and are a blessing carrying a blessed gift for someone who could not. 

If you choose us – thank you for carrying our baby with such grace. You will be a beautiful birth mother for someone. We are praying it will be us. Heartfelt prayers for you now and in the future.


Your willingness and bravery to choose adoption shows just how much love you have for your baby. We will always be thankful for you and your family. We are praying for you and that you will have peace with the decisions you make. Know that you are known, loved, and valued by the savior of the world!


David's testimony

I dedicated my life to Jesus prior to my teenage years. I had the blessed opportunity to grow up in a Christian environment where God's love and the comforting light of faith were the norm. When I first felt the transforming power of Jesus' grace in my preteen years, that's when my journey with Him started.

There was an intense love for Jesus that spoke to me even before I formally gave my heart to Him. I was raised in a Christian home where I was exposed to the Bible's teachings and saw my family's strong faith. It established the groundwork for a spiritual bond that would influence my whole existence.


Rachel's testimony

I have been blessed to be raised by christian parents that taught me the way that I should go that I should not depart from it. They taught me that it's not about religion but about a loving relationship with Jesus Christ my savior. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at a young age at home and I invited HIm into my heart. I have been loving and serving him ever since. I love the word of God and memorizing scripture as the word of God says Thy word I have hidden in my heart that I might not sin against thee Psalm 119:11. Having the word hid in my heart also helps to build a strong prayer life, what beter way to pray than to pray the word of God. 

about David


about David work & education


about Rachel


about Rachel work & education


about our home

about our world